A Retreat is a time to come away and look at life from another angle so as to come back to everyday life with a renewed and better understanding of oneself, of others, and of one’s faith.

What can I expect from a Passionist Retreat?

We have been doing this for a long time so we know what helps young people. First of all we like to be realistic and practical. We don’t like to talk at kids or talk above them and we want religion to be happy and meaningful. We don’t believe in Bible bashing. At the same time we do want to help young people discover a deeper sense of faith. There will be self discovery, getting to know others and getting to know God. There will be a lot of fun doing this.

How Catholic do I have to be to participate?

You just have to want to be open to exploring these things we have outlined. 

“One of the greatest gifts we can offer another person is the acceptance to be himself/herself without conditions. We use our own experience of this freedom in our Christian faith to explore acceptance, humility, forgiveness and the power of choices in a space away from our normal day to day lives.”